Introduction to the Legal System of Mongolia - Mongolian Legal History and Legal Development -
전북대학교 동북아법연구소 동북아법연구 제1권 제1호 2007.08 pp.157-191
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Legal System for Medical Liability Insurance Relevant to AI Doctor in China
원광대학교 법학연구소 의생명과학과 법 제27권 2022.06 pp.149-176
Improvement of Legal System for Applying Advanced Science and Technology to Healthcare Field
동국대학교 비교법문화연구원 DONGGUK LAW REVIEW Volume 10 2017.12 pp.3-32
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The Improvement of Legal System for Risk Management of Sunken Ships
위기관리 이론과 실천 한국위기관리논집 제16권 제2호 2020.02 pp.123-138
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A Study on Improving Legal System for Recovery of Large-scale Complex Disaster Recovery
위기관리 이론과 실천 한국위기관리논집 제14권 제12호 2018.12 pp.59-71
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Improvement Plan of the Legal System for Enhancing Protection of Domestic Violence Victims
동국대학교 비교법문화연구원 DONGGUK LAW REVIEW Volume 6 2015.05 pp.121-156
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Improvements the Food Safety Legal System to overcome the Crisis of Food Safety
충북대학교 국가위기관리연구소 충북대학교 국가위기관리연구소 학술세미나 "Crisis and Emergency Management in Global Society:Human Dignity, Disaster Victims' Relief, and Climate Change Response" 2009.09 pp.189-196
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Improvements the Food Safety Legal System to overcome the Crisis of Food Safety
국가위기관리학회 국가위기관리학회 학술대회 Crisis and Emergency Management in Global Society:Human Dignity, Disaster Victims' Relief, and Climate Change Response 2009.09 pp.189-196
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The Impact of the Government’s Legal System on Awareness of Disaster Safety Management
위기관리 이론과 실천 한국위기관리논집 제16권 제2호 2020.02 pp.75-89
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Legal issues in residents voting system in activating the local autonomy
동국대학교 비교법문화연구원 DONGGUK LAW REVIEW Volume 10 2017.12 pp.77-92
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국제문화기술진흥원 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology(IJACT) Volume 9 Number 1 2021.03 pp.224-241
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The Legal Issues of Private Investigation Service in WTO/FTA System : Study of South Korea
한국보안관리학회(구 한국경호경비학회) 시큐리티 연구 제27호 2011.06 pp.161-195
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