

Improvement of Legal System for Applying Advanced Science and Technology to Healthcare Field


Young Chul, Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The massive flow called the Fourth Industrial Revolution is approaching the present age. This is due to the breakthrough of science and technology, a new era is completely different from the previous one. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is defined as the concept of Technology and Value-Chain, including Cyber-Physics Systems and Internet Services, which are integrated with current automation manufacturing systems and cyber space. It recognizes and replaces the role of human beings as the machine learns and innovates through the fusion of technologies, creating new forms of business in diverse fields. It is said that the boundaries of industry disappear, the concentration of wealth deepens, and people and things coexist together. The healthcare sector is most affected by the flow of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The current paradigm should be changed with the utilization of advanced science and technology and the fusion of technology, which are related to existing traditional healthcare, such as medical hospital, medical institutions, medical device manufacturing, and health management systems. Changes that are strictly governed by laws and regulations are inevitable. Existing simple jobs will be reduced and professional new jobs will be created. As Korea's income level has increased, interest in enjoying a healthy life has increased. Also, as the elderly population rapidly increased, interest in the treatment of chronic diseases increased. As the medical environment changes rapidly, the medical service needs to be transformed. It is more likely that medical services that incorporate advanced science and technology will be more reliable, and telemedicine will become commonplace rather than visiting the hospital directly. Although telemedicine is a useful method, there is still a shortage of security and legal considerations regarding the use of personal medical information and biometric information. Medical care using advanced medical devices provides convenient and easy access to medical care in vulnerable areas such as remote areas and it also provides convenient and easy access to medical care in vulnerable class such as the elderly and the disabled. It is necessary to establish social safety net in healthcare field and it is expected to contribute greatly to national industrial development. In order to meet the expectations of the country and to be ahead of the times, it is necessary to create a new legal framework for new high-tech industries beyond medical, pharmaceutical, and medical devices. n conclusion, we have examined the legal and institutional considerations that will enable the efficient use of advanced science and technology in the field of healthcare to reduce social costs by expanding new social welfare services and become a driving force for the development of national key industries.


I. Introduction
II. The Main Subject
1. 4th Industrial Revolution and Healthcare Industry
2. The need to revise the telemedicine system
III. Conclusions


  • Young Chul, Kim Professor, Hanzhong Univ.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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