La responsabilité sociale: les campagnes sociales roumaines sur les réseaux sociaux
고려대학교 응용문화연구소 에피스테메 Volume 27 2022.06 pp.69-86
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A Review of Information Seeking Behavior
ASCONS IJEMR VOLUME 4 Number 4 2020.12 pp.8-10
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La traduction litteraire ou I' art de « faire refleurir les deserts du sens »
한국통역번역학회 FORUM Volume.13 No.1 2015.04 pp.45-64
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Effects of Dynamic Assessment on College EFL Learners’ Reading Skills
아시아영어교육학회 The Journal of AsiaTEFL Vol.9 No.1 2012.03 pp.57-94
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Cinquante ans d’interprétation parlementaire
한국통역번역학회 FORUM Volumel.7 No.2 2009.10 pp.107-124
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강원대학교 산림과학연구소 Journal of Forest and Environmental Science 제39권 제3호 2023.09 pp.180-194
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‘Identités étudiantes dans une « école post-bac » Interactions et cohabitation
고려대학교 응용문화연구소 에피스테메 Volume 28 2022.12 pp.83-100
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General Service andAcademic Words in Psychology Research Articles : A Corpus Based Study
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Flood Monitoring and Damage Assessment Using UAV
위기관리 이론과 실천 한국위기관리논집 제16권 제12호 2020.12 pp.75-84
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Skin temperature changes during muscular static stretching exercise
한국운동재활학회 JER Vol.14 No.3 2018.06 pp.451-459
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A comparative study on the recruitment of shoulder stabilizing muscles and types of exercises
한국운동재활학회 JER Vol.14 No.2 2018.04 pp.219-225
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