Trends Analysis : Luxury Segment of the U.S. Hotel Industry
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강원대학교 산림과학연구소 Journal of Forest and Environmental Science 제40권 제3호 2024.09 pp.250-258
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Trends and Characteristics of K-E Interpretation in the Entertainment Industry
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Trends and Future Research of Photograph Study in Tourism Marketing : A Bibliometric Analysis
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Trends in the AI-based Banking Conversational Agents Literature : A Bibliometric Review
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Trends and patterns in sustainable transportation research
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Trends in New Standards for Seafarers Through Keyness Analysis of the STCW Convention
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Trends in exercise neuroscience: raising demand for brain fitness
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Trends in the Efficacy and Safety of Ingredients in Acne Skin Treatments
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Trends in Leopard Cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) Research through Co-word Analysis
강원대학교 산림과학연구소 Journal of Forest and Environmental Science 제34권 제1호 2018.02 pp.46-49
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Trends on leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) research through kyeword network analysis
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Trends and Implications of Mobile and Online FinTech
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Trends in Korean Public Opinion on Policies towards North Korea : 2007-2014
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