The Distribution of 14C-chitosan by Different Molecular Weight in Mice
대한방사선방어학회 방사선방어학회지 VOLUME 23 NUMBER 2 1998.06 pp.83-88
The Effect of Calcium and Chitosan Metabolism to the Excretion of Radiostrontium in Mice
대한방사선방어학회 방사선방어학회지 VOLUME 22 NUMBER 1 1997.03 pp.9-14
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Chitosan Nanoparticles Treatment in In Vitro Culture Medium Induces Apoptosis in the Inner Cell Mass
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Ingestion of mushroom chitosan ameliorates genetic lipidosis
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Adsorption of PFAS from subsurface using montmorillonite grafted chitosan beads
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Blocking the Acute Radiostrontium Transfer from Placenta to Fetus by Soluble Chitosan in Mice
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