Reduction of Ammonia Emissions from Composting by Closed Bed Woodchips Biofilter
한국도시환경학회 한국도시환경학회지 VOL.1 No.1 창간호 2001.06 pp.63-71
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Self-measurement-based Emissions from Air Emissions Places of Business in 2017
한국도시환경학회 한국도시환경학회지 VOL.19 No.4 통권 제52호 2019.12 pp.243-251
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Carbon Emissions by Management of Landscape Trees for Multifamily Residential Sites
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Study of Air Pollutants Emissions from Agricultural Residues burning using PTR-TOF-MS
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Characterization of Forest Fire Emissions and Their Possible Toxicological Impacts on Human Health
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Quantification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Primary Rubber Industries in Thailand
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Correlation between Vehicle Stability and Emissions under Car-following
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The Desirable Auction Format of Greenhouse Gases Emissions Trading Scheme in Korea
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A Study on Particulate Matter Forecasting Improvement by using Asian Dust Emissions in East Asia
한국도시환경학회 한국도시환경학회지 VOL.18 No.4 통권 제48호 2018.12 pp.531-546
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위기관리 이론과 실천 Journal of Safety and Crisis Management Vol. 13 No. 11 2023.11 pp.35-43
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