

Carbon Emissions by Management of Landscape Trees for Multifamily Residential Sites



The quantifying carbon emissions from urban trees management is necessary to understand urban trees carbon budget and to establish carbon reduction planting and management strategies. However, information on the carbon emissions from tree management of multifamily residential sites is still limited. This study quantified annual energy consumption and carbon emissions according to management such as pruning, pesticide and fungicide, and fertilization by landscape trees planted at multifamily residential sites in Chuncheon. Management practice was surveyed based on maintenance data, interviews with managers for about 30 multifamily residential sites in Chuncheon. The annual total carbon emissions from landscape trees management of multifamily residential sites were on average 18 kg/100m2/year. The annual carbon emissions from pruning were the highest at 17.4 kg/100m2/year and accounted for 97% of the total carbon emissions. As there is very little research on carbon emissions from landscape trees management of multifamily residential sites, the basic unit for carbon emissions for each management in the current study can be useful in quantifying the carbon budget of multifamily residential sites trees.


  • Jin-Young Kim Korea Research Institute on Climate Change, 11, Subyeongongwon-gil, Chuncheon 24239, Republic of Korea
  • Hyun-Kil Jo Dept of Ecological Landscape Architecture Design, College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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