The Effects of Storytelling Science Classes Applying ARCS Strategy on Science Class Motivation and Scientific Attitude of Elementary School Students
The purpose of this study was to see the effects of science classes applying ARCS strategies on motivation of science class as well as scientific attitude of elementary students. For this purpose, 47 elementary students in 2 classes from 5th grade of M elementary school based in P metropolitan city were targeted. One class with 24 students was assigned as experimental group and the other class with 23 students were assigned as control group. The chapter of ‘solar system and star’ in the curriculum revised in 2009 was taught over 10 classes from mid-April to end of June in 2015. For verification, 10 times science classes applying ARCS strategies were performed on experimental group while 10 times of general science class were performed on control group. The results drawn from this analysis were as below. Firstly, positive relationship was found between motivation of science class and science class applying ARCS strategy among experimental group and this means that science classes applying ARCS strategy stimulate intellectual curiosity of students and improves their attitude by actively promoting research activities. Secondly, there was a positive relationship between scientific attitude and science classes applying ARCS strategy among experimental group. This presents that science classes applying ARCS strategy were effective in improving students’ scientific attitude by promoting research activities. Above results show that science classes applying ARCS strategy were highly effective for elementary students.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구 방법
1. 연구 대상 및 기간
2. 실험 설계
3. 검사 도구
4. 연구 절차
5. 자료처리
Ⅲ. 연구 결과
1. 스토리텔링 활용에 대한 실태
2. ARCS전략을 적용한 스토리텔링 과학수업의 계획
3. ARCS전략을 적용한 스토리텔링 과학수업 적용
4. 사후 과학수업 동기 검사
5. 사후 과학적 태도 검사
Ⅲ. 결론 및 제언
1. 결론
2. 제언