The Impact of AI Machine Translation on Undergraduate Students' Russian Writing
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Cases of Judicial Decisions Related to the Human Health Effects of Low-Dose Radiation in Korea
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Digital Marketing Strategy of a Celebrity Beauty Brand : A Case of Rare Beauty
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Reliability Evaluation Techniques for Improving the Safety and Maintenance of Aging Dams
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Influence Factors on Subjective Health Perception of Middle-Aged Women
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위기관리 이론과 실천 Journal of Safety and Crisis Management Vol. 14 No. 11 2024.11 pp.21-36
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Legal Considerations related to the Justification Principles on ICRP Recommendations
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Investigation of Long-term Promotion Effects on Market Baskets: A Dynamic Bayes Network Approach
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위기관리 이론과 실천 Journal of Safety and Crisis Management Vol. 14 No. 7 2024.07 pp.49-59
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국제문화기술진흥원 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology(IJACT) Volume 12 Number 2 2024.06 pp.119-135
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A Follow-up Study of ICT Training Participants in the LPTTC-CUE Global Training Collaboration
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Strong Orientation Anchoring and Shear Flow of a Nematic Liquid Crystal
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