

역사 체험 프로그램에서 위치기반기술 및 게임화 적용 사례연구 : 수원 화성 행궁의 게임 콘텐츠 개발을 중심으로


A Case Study of Historical Experience Program based Location Aware and Gamification : focused on Game Contents Development of Suwon Hwaseong Haenggung

최정, 김석규, 이우석, 오규환, 김송이, 김남희, 김윤경, 정진석

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Historical Experience Program is a certain type of a field trip for elementary and middle school students, which includes visiting a historical place and having various outdoor activities related to the historical events that actually happend in the area. Usually the students make a group to participate, but the education is only done with the printed handouts and the guidance teacher's verbal explanation. In this research, we would like to make use of both location-based system and gamification theories to advance the educational form. Each students will be given smart devices to perform the tasks that are conducted by gamifying the historical information and materials. Location-based system will be guiding them to find the missions and clues around the area. The guidance teacher will be also using a smart device to figure out each student's location and how well they are performing. We've also run the actual field test, and found out that it was a very effective method for Historical Experience Programs. Students were very motivated by cooperting and competing with other students on gamified educational material, and had been very ammused by having outdoor activities using location-based system, and it lead to a significantly effective education.


 1. 서론
 2. 관련 기술의 정의
  2.1 위치기반기술의 정의
  2.2 게임화(Gamification) 의 정의
 3. 위치기반기술과 게임화 기술이 적용된 기존 사례 연구
  3.1 위치기반기술(Location Based Service) 적용 사례
  3.2 게이미피케이션 적용 사례
 4. 효과적인 역사 체험을 스마트폰 용 어플리케이션의 디자인 요구사항 제시
  4.1 위치기반기술을 활용하여 역사 미션을 푸는 방식의 문제 구성
  4.2 게임화를 적용한 적극적 참여 유
  4.3 어플리케이션 시제품 구현 구조
  4.4 게임화 기술 제시
 5. 현장 테스트를 통한 효용성 검증
 6. 결론


  • 최정 Jung Choi. 아주대학교
  • 김석규 Seokgyu Kim. 아주대학교
  • 이우석 Woosuk Lee. 아주대학교
  • 오규환 Gyuhwan Oh. 아주대학교
  • 김송이 Song-yi Kim. 아주누리
  • 김남희 Nam-hee Kim. 아주누리
  • 김윤경 Yoon-kyung Kim. 아주대학교
  • 정진석 Jean-seok Jung. 솔라플러스


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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