

게임 창작 활동이 초, 중등생의 소프트웨어에 대한 이해에 미치는 효과 연구


A Study on the effectiveness of software understanding through game creative activities for elementary and middle school students

백재순, 오규환, 고민진, 홍이경

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently, the computer software has become an increasingly important share in the overall industry and many countries have been adapted an early SW education as their mandatory curriculum in school for children. Most of the prior SW education curriculums had been focused on how to learn a programming language to make a SW in a computer, but current SW education goal has been moved onto training the computational thinking to solve various problems with the computer, effectively. The paper exploits a game design activity as a good and fun tool to training such computational thinking for children. The proposed game design activity consists of a series of systematic curriculums to design a creative game in offline for the children who do not have any prior-knowledge of game. Participants first understand game elements such game title, synopsis, rules, game-play, which are indispensable to make a game. Then they try to understand what the fun is in the game and discuss with how to make such fun in the game. Finally, they have proposed a creative game design which is motivated by playing board-style games and iPad-games. With our assessment of the proposed activity, our game activity derives let the participants to computational thinking while creating the synopsis and game rules to define the game. It also revealed increased interest and understanding of computer software. We expect that the proposed game design activity could be an alternative to train computational thinking and a more holistic program to have increased interest and understanding of computer software for children.


 1. 서론
 2. 관련 연구
 3. 연구방법 및 내용
  3.1 연구대상
  3.2 연구방법
  3.3 연구 설계
 4. 연구 결과 및 해석
  4.1 게임 창작 작업 결과물 평가
  4.2 참여 학생의 설문 결과
 5. 결론


  • 백재순 Jai Soon Baek. 아주대학교 라이프미디어협동과정 석사과정
  • 오규환 Gyuhwan Oh. 아주대학교 미디어학과 교수
  • 고민진 Minjin Ko. 아주대학교 라이프미디어협동과정 박사과정
  • 홍이경 Iee-Kyung Hong. 아주대학교 미디어학과 학사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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