The study was intended to investigate the current mathematics curriculum on the viewpoint of
creativity. We introduced the concept ‘creativity’ based on Starko who tried to define the word to
activate in the school mathematics classroom practically. Based on his conceptualization, we
investigated our current national mathematics curriculum and textbooks. We found five sentences related to creativity in our mathematics curriculum, and we found some differences among the areas of algorithm, concept, mathematical reasoning, and problem solving in the viewpoint how much the textbooks provide students the chances for creative activities. We also discussed about three kinds of tasks those are students' levels, classroom environments, and teachers' designs to provide students creative classrooms.
I. 서론
II. 창의성 개념에 대한 스타르코의 논의
III. 창의성의 관점에서 본 수학교육과정
IV. 창의성의 관점에서 본 수학 교과서
1. 알고리즘 학습의 예 : 세 자리 수의 덧셈
2. 개념 학습의 예 : 분수
3. 추론 학습의 예 : 삼각형의 세 각의 크기의 합
4. 문제해결 학습의 예 : 문제 만들기
VI. 논의
VII. 결론