국제문화기술진흥원 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology(IJACT) Volume 12 Number 3 2024.09 pp.309-316
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Three-Dimensional Selective Oxidation Fin Channel MOSFET Based on Bulk Silicon Wafer
중소기업융합학회 융합정보논문지(구 중소기업융합학회논문지) 제11권 제11호 2021.11 pp.159-165
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Three-Dimensional Digital-Mold Modeling and Sand-Printing for Replication of Bronze Mirror
한국문화재보존과학회 보존과학회지 제37권 제1호 2021.02 pp.25-33
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Three-dimensional Digital Documentation and Accuracy Analysis of the Choijin Lama Temple in Mongolia
한국문화재보존과학회 보존과학회지 제36권 제4호 2020.08 pp.264-274
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Three Dimensional Structure Prediction of Neuromedin U Receptor 1 Using Homology Modelling
조선대학교 기초과학연구원 통합자연과학논문집(구 조선자연과학논문집) 제10권 1호 2017.03 pp.7-13
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Development of a Three-Dimensional Wind Field Model using the Principle of Variational Method
대한방사선방어학회 방사선방어학회지 VOLUME 28 NUMBER 2 2003.06 pp.97-108
A Study on The Three-Dimensional Transformation method for the Weaving Maze
한국컴퓨터게임학회 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지 제34권 제4호 2021.12 pp.65-72
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Procedural Maze Generation System for Three Dimensional Polygon Surface
한국컴퓨터게임학회 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지 제33권 제2호 2020.06 pp.23-32
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Changes on Plasminogen Activity of Three Dimensional Cultured Endometrial Cells in Pigs
한국동물생명공학회(구 한국동물번식학회) 한국동물번식학회 한중일 심포지엄 Current Status of Animal Reproduction Research in Korea-China-Japan 2014.06 p.45
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Visualization of the Diffusion Process Using Three Dimensional OpenGL
제주대학교 해양과학연구소 해양과학연구소 연구논문집 제30권 제2호 2006.12 pp.49-55
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