

Effect of Encapsulated Bacteriocin on Acid Production and Growth of Starter Cultures in Yoghurt




Freeze dried crude bacteriocin was encapsulated within an acid-soluble coating material, Eudragit EPO, using a surface modification technique through a hybridization system. The pH and titratable acidity of control yoghurt were 3.92 and 1.56%, respectively, after 24 hr of 42℃fermentation at , whereas yoghurt containing 500 AU/mL encapsulated bacteriocin exhibited a higher pH (4.37) and lower titratable acidity (1.2%). Yoghurt containing encapsulated bacteriocin had significantly lower titratable acidity when the duration of fermentation (to pH 4.5) and subsequent refrigerated storage (4℃) was longer than 20 days. There were no significant differences in the viability of lactic acid bacteria after 15 hr of fermentation. This suggests that microencapsulated bacteriocin has the potential to control the excessive growth of yoghurt starters caused by temperature abuse or post-acidification.


 Materials and Methods
 Results and Discussion


  • Oh, Se-Jong Department of Animal Science, Institute of Agriculture Science and Technology, Chonnam National University
  • Heo, Ho-Jin Jeonnam Innovation Agency
  • Park, Dong-June Korea Food Research Institute
  • Kim, Sae-Hun Divisions of Food Science, Korea University
  • Lee, Sung-Je Institute of Food, Nutrition, and Human Health, Massey University
  • Imm, Jee-Young Department of Foods and Nutrition, Kookmin University


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