

Research Articles

Structural and Rheological Properties of Sweet Potato Starch Modified with 4-α-Glucanotransferase from Thermus aquaticus


Seung Hee Lee, Seung Jun Choi, Sang Ick Shin, Kwan Hwa Park, Tae Wha Moon

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Sweet potato starch was modified using Thermus aquaticus α-1,4-glucanotransferase (TaaGT), and its structural and rheological properties were investigated. TaaGT-modified starch had a lower amylose level and molecular weight than raw starch. The chain length distribution showed an increased number of short and long branched chains and the formation of cycloamyloses. Compared with raw starch, TaaGT-modified starch displayed a lower gelatinization enthalpy and a wider melting temperature range. The X-ray diffraction of TaaGT-modified starch was a weak V-type pattern with distinct sharp peaks at 13 and 20℃. Scanning electron micrographs of modified starch exhibited big holes on the surface and the loss of granular structure. The frequency sweep measurement revealed that the gel of TaaGT-modified starch was more rigid than raw starch gel. However, the structure of modified starch gel was destroyed by heating at 75℃ , and a firm gel was re-formed by subsequent storage at 5℃, indicating thermoreversible property.


 Materials and Methods
 Results and Discussion


  • Seung Hee Lee Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Center for Agricultural Biomaterials and Reserch Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University
  • Seung Jun Choi Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Center for Agricultural Biomaterials and Reserch Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University
  • Sang Ick Shin Korea Yakult R&D Center, Korea Yakult
  • Kwan Hwa Park Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Center for Agricultural Biomaterials and Reserch Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University
  • Tae Wha Moon Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Center for Agricultural Biomaterials and Reserch Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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