

한국에 있어서 중국인근로자 고용확대의 필요성과 고용확대에 따른 문제점에 대한 법적 검토


Needs of Increasing Chinese Workers in Korea and A Legal Study on the Problems Caused by the Increasing

윤진기, 조흠학

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Needs of increasing Chinese workers in Korea and a legal study on the problems caused by the increase of Chinese workers in Korea are examined in this paper.
An increase of employment of Chinese workers in Korea can contribute to increase of employment of Korea workers in Korea as well as can play an important role in the attracting Chinese Investment to Korea, the coming back of Korean enterprises which invested in China to Korea, and the preventing Korean enterprises from going abroad to invest. Therefore, it
is needed to increase employment of Chinese workers in Korea.
Even if it is needed to increase employment of Chinese workers in Korea, there can be some problems which must be resolved. These problems are like corruption in the course of flowing Chinese workers into Korea, discrimination between Chinese workers and Korean workers in an
enterprise, delayed payment of wages, restriction on moving workplace, social security, marriage, a stay of members of family, an infringement on human rights like corporal punishment, and social problems like crimes.
But these problems are not as severe as problems in the case of flowing other general foreign workers to Korea. These problems even can be reduced because Chinese workers are flowed into Korea through the type of dispatch from Chinese enterprises or Chinese enterprises invested from Korea.
The expanded employment of Chinese workers to Korean enterprise is a foreign worker employment, employment kind of incentives to attract foreign investment. This paper suggests that it is proper that incentive of employment of Chinese workers is expanded to 50% of workers in an enterprise. This paper also suggests that the equal treatment between Chinese workers and Korean workers in labor conditions in an enterprise must be protected.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 중국인근로자 고용확대의 필요성과 문제점
  1. 중국인근로자 고용확대의 필요성
  2. 중국인근로자 고용확대에 따른 문제점
 Ⅲ. 중국인근로자 고용확대에 따른 문제점에 대한 법적 검토
  1. 중국인근로자의 국경이동에 관한 문제
  2. 중국 투자기업 유치지역 지정과 관련된 문제
  3. 균등대우에 관한 문제
  4. 외국인근로자의 사업장 이동에 관한 문제
  5. 유입 후의 사후관리에 관한 문제
  6. 복지에 관한 문제
  7. 노동권행사에 관한 문제
  8. 기타 사회문제 등
  9. 철수희망기업에 대한 특별한 문제
 Ⅳ. 결론
 《참고문헌 》


  • 윤진기 Jin Ki Yoon. 경남대 법학부 교수
  • 조흠학 Hm Hak Cho. 한국노총 중앙연구원 연구조정실장


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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