

창의성과 초등영어교육: 단기기억 메커니즘을 통한 창의성 교육의 가능성 고찰


손중선, 김정삼

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Sohn, Joong-Sun & Kim, Jung-Sam. “Creativity and Elementary English Education: A Possibility of Creativity Education Based on the Short-Term Memory Mechanism.” Studies on English Language & Literature. 33.1(2007): 305-328.There has been an assumption that creativity education is possible in every subject teaching in elementary school. Elevation of children’s creativity in elementary English education, however, has faced difficulties in reality because most children, who are beginners, do not have basic skills to ‘play with’ English yet. Without basic language skills, there is no room for creativity. This paper suggests that understanding of short-term memory could be one way to resolve the conflict between language skill and creativity in Korea. Short-term memory is a crucial part of language process. Its effective operation is only possible when it works with phrases or thought groups because of its limited capacity. The phrase-level teaching can accelerate the operation of short-term memory and eventually shorten the distance to creativity education in EFL countries. (Daegu National University of Education․Daegu Yeongseon Elementary School)


 I. 서론
 II. 초등영어 교과에서의 창의성 교육
  2.1 창의성 교육의 가능성
  2.2 창의성의 본질적 특성
  2.3 초등영어와 창의성 교육
 III. 단기기억과 창의성 교육: 생물학적 요인
  3.1 단기기억과 언어 처리
  3.2 영어 처리와 창의성 과제 수행
 IV. 초등영어 창의성 교육에 관한 의견 조사
  4.1 조사 대상 및 내용
  4.2 결과 분석
 V. 단기기억 용량에 따른 창의성 과제 수행의 실험
  5.1 실험 대상 및 자료
  5.2 실험 절차
  5.3 결과 분석
 VI. 결론


  • 손중선 대구교육대학교
  • 김정삼 대구영선초등학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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