

제도 법률번역 품질보증을 위한 번역기준 및 스타일가이드 구축 필요성 : 조약 조문체계 번역 사례연구를 중심으로


Translation guidelines and style guides for quality assurance in institutional legal translation : Focusing on Korean translation of divisional units in international agreements.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study highlights the importance of official translation guidelines and intra-and inter-institutional style guides for quality assurance in Korean legal translation institutions. As specifications required by ISO 20771, translation guidelines serve as benchmarks for quality assessment and control, as well as for ensuring accountability among translation participants. Institutional style guides, meanwhile, go beyond editing and formatting instructions, by attaining legal, linguistic, and technical quality assurance. Specifically, they regulate the consistent naming and cross-referencing of structural elements within legal texts, thus ensuring clarity in interpretation. Drawing from the practices of the Directorate-General for Translation (DGT) and other EU legal translation institutions, this study examines the key components of translation guidelines and style guides for legal translation institutions. Additionally, a case study involving 10 Korean versions of international laws reveals inconsistencies and disorganization in hierarchical levels and cross-referencing expressions, underscoring the necessity of developing style guides to address these issues.


I. 연구의 배경 및 목적
II. 제도 법률번역을 위한 번역기준과 스타일가이드
1. 번역기준의 개념과 구성항목
2. 스타일가이드의 개념과 구성항목
III. 조약 한글본 조문체계 번역 사례분석
1. 분석의 의의 및 방법
2. 분석 결과
IV. 맺는 말


  • 유정주 Yoo, Jeong Ju. 한동대학교 공익법센터 위촉연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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