

한국의 제도 법률번역 품질보증모델 수립을 위한 예비 연구 - ISO 20771 및 EU 번역기관 사례분석을 중심으로


Quality Assurance for Institutional Legal Translation in Korea : Insights from ISO 20771 and EU Translating Institutions.




This paper aims to identify the essential aspects of quality assurance (QA) in institutional legal translation, with the goal of establishing a more organized QA model for relevant institutions in Korea. The first section of this paper examines ISO 20771:2020, a recently implemented international standard for legal translation, and compares it with ISO 17100:2015, the standard for institutional translation services. The subsequent section explores the actual QA practices and recent developments observed in the Directorate-General for Translation (DGT) and the Court of Justice of European Union (CJEU), seeking inspiration for Korean legal translation institutions. The findings reveal three key QA levels: workflow management, human resources, and tools, which are systematically integrated within the EU translating institutions to ensure a streamlined and consistent QA approach. Lastly, the paper revisits the current workflow prescribed in the rules for creating Korean versions of international trade agreements in light of the ISO standard, and suggests compliance with the identified QA principles.


1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
2. 법률번역 품질보증 관련 국제표준 분석
2.1. 제도 법률번역 품질에 대한 접근: 결과물에서 과정 중심으로의 이동
2.2. ISO 20771의 품질보증 구성요소
2.2.1. 작업공정관리
2.2.2. 인적 자원
2.2.3. 도구 자원
3. EU 주요 법률번역 기관 품질보증 사례분석
3.1. 작업공정 관리
3.2. 인적 자원
3.3. 도구 자원
4. 한국 법률번역 기관 적용 관련 시사점
4.1. 표준 도입의 필요성 및 의의
4.2. ‘통상협정 한글본 작성을 위한 절차 규정’의 검토
5. 맺는말


  • 유정주 Yoo, Jeongju. 한동대학교


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