


계획행동이론에 따른 헤어샵 SNS 정보특성이 고객 행동 의도에 미치는 영향


The Effect of Hair Shop SNS Information Characteristics on Customer's Behavioral Intention according to the Planned Behavior Theory

엄지애, 박은준

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study sought to provide useful data necessary to generate and increase hair shop profits by clearly recognizing the differentiation of customers using hair shop SNS through planning behavior theory and examining customer's behavioral intention leading to actual hair shop visits. To this end, a non-face-to-face online survey was conducted, and a total of 756 copies were used for the final analysis. The collected data were subjected to frequency analysis, factor and reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis for hypothesis verification using SPSS 22.0, and the results are as follows. First, hair shop SNS information characteristics were classified into reliability, interaction, and timeliness, and planned behavior theory was classified into attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control, and customer's behavioral intention was viewed in a single dimension. Second, it was found that the relationship between hair shop SNS information characteristics, planned behavior theory, and customer's behavioral intention had a statistically significant positive (+) effect, and planned behavior theory showed a mediating effect at the same time. Second, it was found that the relationship between hair shop SNS information characteristics, planned behavior theory, and customer's behavioral intention had a statistically significant positive (+) effect, and planned behavior theory showed a mediating effect at the same time.The results of the above study confirmed that the characteristics of hair shop SNS information affect the customer's behavioral intention and at the same time induce positive customer behavior. In other words, it can be a good marketing tool to attract new customers and maintain existing customers. In the future, it is hoped that research on the characteristics of more diverse research subjects and a wide range of regions will continue by substituting planned behavior theory in the beauty field, including hair shops, and by segmenting new variables and factors suitable for it


摘录:本研究旨在于明确基于计划行为理论的美发店SNS信息特征对顾客行为意图的影响, 并通过计划行为理论识别使用美发店SNS的顾客差异性, 并查看实际光顾美发店的顾客行为 意图, 从而为美发店创收和增收提供有效资料􀕶本研究进行了在线问卷调查, 共收集756份问 卷用于最终分析, 收集的数据运用SPSS22.0进行了频率分析, 因素与可信度分析, 相关分析, 用于假设验证的多重回归分析, 其分析结果为如下, 首先, 美发店SNS信息特征分为可靠性, 交互性, 及时性; 计划行为理论分为态度, 主观规范, 知觉到的行为控制感, 顾客行为意图 则从单一维度分析. 第二, 美发店SNS信息特征与计划行为理论, 顾客行为意图的关系研究 统计结果显示, 三者显著正相关, 计划行为理论同时起到了媒介效应. 以上研究结果证实, 美发店SNS信息特征在影响顾客行为意图的同时, 也会引发积极的顾客行为􀕶简言之􎨳这可 以成为吸引新客户和维持现有客户的良好营销手段􀕶期待今后在包括美发店在内的美容领域, 积极运用计划行为理论, 通过与之相适应的变量和因素的细分, 以更加多样的研究对象特征 和更广泛的地区为研究对象, 继续进行探索.


I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
1. 헤어샵 SNS 정보특성
2. 계획행동이론
3. 행동 의도
III. 내용 및 연구 방법
1. 자료수집 방법
2. 연구모형
3. 연구의 가설
IV. 연구 결과
1. 인구통계학 분석(빈도분석) 결과
2. 요인 및 신뢰도 분석 결과
3. 상관관계
4. 가설검증
V. 결론


  • 엄지애 Ji-Ae Uhm. 서경대학교 일반대학원 미용예술학과 박사과정 대학원생
  • 박은준 Eun-Jun Park. 서경대학교 헤어디자인학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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