

Technology Convergence (TC)

A Study on Gamification Consumer Perception Analysis Using Big Data



The purpose of the study was to analyze consumers' perceptions of gamification. Based on the analyzed data, we would like to provide data by systematically organizing the concept, game elements, and mechanisms of gamification. Recently, gamification can be easily found around medical care, corporate marketing, and education. This study collected keywords from social media portal sites Naver, Daum, and Google from 2018 to 2023 using TEXTOM, a social media analysis tool. In this study, data were analyzed using text mining, semantic network analysis, and CONCOR analysis methods. Based on the collected data, we looked at the relevance and clusters related to gamification. The clusters were divided into a total of four clusters: 'Awareness of Gamification', 'Gamification Program', 'Future Technology of Gamification', and 'Use of Gamification'. Through social media analysis, we want to investigate and identify consumers' perceptions of gamification use, and check market and consumer perceptions to make up for the shortcomings. Through this, we intend to develop a plan to utilize gamification.


1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1 Gamification
2.2 Text Mining
3. Research Methods
4. Semantic Network Analysis
5. Conclusion


  • Se-won Jeon Ph. D Student, Department of Immersive Content Convergence, Graduate School, Kwangwoon University, Korea
  • Youn Ju Ahn Ph. D Student, Department of Public Adminstration, Graduate School, Kwangwoon University, Korea
  • Gi-Hwan Ryu Professor, Department of Tourism and Food Industry, Graduate School of Smart Convergence, Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Korea


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