

Loyalty in Food Brands: Effects of Consumer’s Perception


Doh, Saeran

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Although more than ten years have passed since the Great Earthquake in Japan, which occurred on March 11, 2011, there are still many concerns about radioactive contamination of Japanese food among Korean consumers. However, interest in Japanese cuisine and food continues to grow in Korea. Thus, this study examined how perceived quality and perceived value affect customer satisfaction and customer loyalty to Japanese food for Korean consumers. The analysis was performed using structural equation modeling. The results showed that perceived quality considerably influenced the perceived value of Japanese food, greatly affecting satisfaction, which in turn strongly influenced loyalty. These findings are valuable in examining the mediating role of satisfaction in the causal relationship between perceived quality and perceived value for the Japanese food brand, and customer loyalty for Koreans.This study suggests that if quality is guaranteed, it can lead to satisfaction and loyalty, leading to repurchase. In the future, reliable policy regarding food safety, including providing information on Japanese food, should be developed.


I. Introduction
II. Literature Review
1. Perceived Quality
2. Perceived Value
3. Customer Satisfaction
4. Customer Loyalty
III. Hypotheses
IV. Methodology
V. Results
VI. Discussion
VII. Implications for Future Studies


  • Doh, Saeran Associate Professor, School of Food, Agricultural and Environment Sciences, Miyagi University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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