

An Evaluation of Sri Lankan English Textbooks : With a Focus on Interethnic Communiative Competence


Oshadi V. M. Gamage, Cheongmin Yook

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Sri Lanka has been emphasizing the important role of English in its efforts to end interethnic conflicts. This language policy was actualized when the Sri Lankan government revised the national curriculum for English in 2015 and suggested the promotion of interethnic communicative competence as a key goal. This study examines how effectively the curricular goal has been implemented in 10 Sri Lankan English textbooks for 3rd to 12th graders. For the evaluation, the study selected a number of cultural factors, divided them into four types, and created a checklist with the four types. The evaluation results show that, although considerable efforts have been made to represent diverse ethnic cultural elements, the English textbooks still have room for improvement. More ethnic cultural contents, particularly those dealing with interethnic respect and harmony, are needed to be included in the textbooks.


1. Introducti
2. Literature Review
2.1. Historical Background of English Language Policy and Textbook Development in Sri Lanka
2.2. Review of Previous Studies
3. Method
3.1. Textbooks for Evaluation
3.2. Evaluation Checklist
3.3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusion


  • Oshadi V. M. Gamage La Trobe University/MA Student
  • Cheongmin Yook Hallym University/Associate Professor


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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