A Case Study on the Perceptions and Preferences of Graduate Students of Interpretation and Translation for Online Learning.
This case study looks into the perceptions and preferences of graduate students of interpretation and translation for online learning. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many offline classes had to be suddenly shifted to online classes. The purpose of this case study is to investigate students’ perceptions and preferences for online and offline classes in this unprecedented situation. A survey was developed focusing on three areas: 1) changes in perceptions and preferences for online classes, 2) perceptions on achievement in online and offline classes, and 3) suggestions for the improvement of online classes. The survey results show that students overall preferred offline classes to online classes and perceived that their performance improved more in offline classes. Also, students suggested that guidelines for online classes should be necessary if the pandemic situations persist in the future. It was also pointed that class design, changes in pedagogy, and mastery of the online equipment will greatly affect the quality of the online teaching and learning. This study reveals that development of a new pedagogy for online classes on interpretation and translation is needed in preparation for an era of worldwide pandemics.
1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1. 온라인 수업, 플립러닝, 블렌디드 러닝
2.2. 온라인 영어교육
2.3. 온라인 통번역 교육
3. 연구 방법
3.1. 설문 연구의 배경과 설문 문항 구성
3.2. 설문조사 대상 및 방법
4. 결과 및 해석
4.1. 온라인 수업에 대한 인식과 선호도
4.2. 온라인 수업과 대면 수업에서의 학업성취도
4.3. 온라인 수업의 개선을 위한 제언
5. 결론