

일반 논문

중학교 ‘문학’ 평가의 루브릭 기술 양상


The rubric of middle school 'literature' evaluation


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article reviewed the aspect of the course-based evaluation of literary education, according to the 2015 revised curriculum at secondary school, through the evaluation rubric used in the field in the first semester of 2019. For this, the 7th-grade evaluation plans of 31 secondary schools in Cheonan were invested as the primary document. The first year of secondary school in Chungnam is a free-year system, and the evaluation is conducted without written evaluation. In 2019, 13 secondary schools in the Cheonan-si area were making a course-based evaluation in the evaluation plan. 17 schools were renovated the evaluation criteria and restructured the curriculum. Many teachers have reorganized the achievement standards of the curriculum in consideration of the individuality of the schools and utilized the rubric for linking teaching and learning activities and evaluation. In these cases, the rubric was performing a guiding function in the class on how to reach the achievement standards. Also, the literary evaluation as a true evaluation or the overall evaluation of literary ability is performed through the rubric.


이글에서는중등현장에서2015 개정교육과정에따른문학교육의과정중심 평가의양상을2019년1학기현장에서쓰인평가루브릭을통해살펴봤다. 천안 에있는중학교31곳의1학년평가계획서를자료로중등현장의과정중심평가가 이뤄지고있는과정을살폈다. 충남지역중학교1학년은자유학년제로학교수 준 교육과정이 운영되고 있으며, 평가는 지필평가 없이 수행평가 실시한다. 2019년천안지역내중학교중13개학교가과정중심평가를문면화하고있었으 며, 교육과정의 재구성에 따라 평가기준을 변용하여 제시한 경우17개교, 교육 부가제시하는핵심성취기준에따른평가기준을그대로제시한경우는9개교였 다. 이중2015 개정교육과정의성취기준을그대로평가에적용한경우는4학교 였다. 31개교중루브릭이외체크리스트나척도만으로설명된평가기준이나타 난 경우는 2개교였다. 많은 교사들이교육과정의성취기준을 중등현장의 개별성을고려하여 재조 직하고있었으며, 교수·학습 활동과 평가를 유기적으로 연계하는 가운데, 루브 릭을활용하고있었다. 이때루브릭은중등현장에서학습자와교사들에게성취 기준에도달하기까지의 안내적 기능을수행하고있었으며, 참평가로서의 문학 평가나, 문학능력의총체적평가가루브릭을통해이뤄지고있는점을확인할 수 있었다.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 중등현장에서의 과정중심평가와 루브릭
Ⅲ.루브릭 평가에 드러난 문제점
1. 평가의 설계와 루브릭의 구안
2. 평가의 실행과 루브릭의 기술
Ⅳ. 중등학교 문학교실 루브릭 평가의 개선점
Ⅴ. 결론


  • 권대광 Kwon, Dae-Kwang. 공주대학교 국어교육과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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