

1인가구의 여행정보채널 이용 특성 분석과 시사점 : 국민여행실태조사를 바탕으로


Analysis and Implications of Characteristics of the Use of Travel Information Channels in One‐person Households : Based on the Korea National Tourism Survey

현은지, 정양미

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



To understand the characteristics of the travel information channels of one‐person households, this study was conducted by using the data of the Korea National Tourism Survey for three years (2015 ~ 2017) issued by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and in personal travel of one‐person households, this study analyzes the characteristics of the use of information channels to identify the importance of one‐person households, the diversity of developing information channels, and the need for future trend analysis studies. The results of examining the characteristics of the use of information channels of personal travel for one‐person households, The number one information channel used for personal travel of one‐person households' overseas travel was ‘friends/colleagues' (31.1%). Followed by the 'friends/colleagues' information channel, there were travel agencies (25.2%), the Internet (18.0%), past visit experiences (6.3%), and articles and broadcast programs (4.6%) in that order. In the characteristics of the use of internet information channels for the selection of travels, the trend of changes in channel usage such as SNS, cafes, blogs, Twitter, and Facebook need to be noted more carefully. Also, in 2017, in overseas travel, the use of travel services for each household was found to be in the order of transportation, accommodation, and tourist attractions. The items of booking services which needs to be looked for were leisure facilities and experience programs, and the increase in yearly response is something that the travel industry should pay attention to.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
1. 1인가구와 소비 특성
2. 1인가구의 여행수요 증가
3. 여행정보채널
Ⅲ. 연구설계
1. 연구문제
2. 연구변수의 정의
Ⅳ. 선행 연구결과 분석
1. 1인가구와 2인 이상 가구 여행행태 비교
2. 1인가구 개인여행과 2인 이상 가구의 정보채널 이용특성
Ⅴ. 결론 및 시사점


  • 현은지 Eunji Hyun. 용인대학교 문화관광과 초빙교수
  • 정양미 Yangmi Chung. 백석문화대학교 보건행정과 외래교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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