

Analysis of the Collaborative Reflection Processes of Two University Instructors.


YunJin Kim, Neil Briggs

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study explores how the shared reflections of two university instructors influenced their approaches and perspectives of English language teaching. The primary source of data was derived from the two teachers’ e-mail mediated, collaborative reflective journals and two dialogical interviews served as a secondary data source. A qualitative, narrative inquiry approach was employed to gather data in a direct and in-depth way. The data were selectively coded to investigate the teacher’s reported beliefs, behaviors, and interactions as well as how they relate to the process of professional development. The findings indicate that the process of sharing and reflecting upon their pedagogical philosophy and strategies supported their ongoing efforts to develop professionally. Moreover, this study addresses the notion that more attention should be paid towards improving reflective teaching among teachers as a means of enhancing professional development.


I. Introduction
II. Literature Review
1. Reflection and Reflective Language Teaching
2. Professional Development
III. Methodology
1. Participants
2. Research Context
3. Data Collection
4. Data Analysis
IV. Results
1. Emerging Themes from the Collaborative Reflection Process
2. Reflections upon the Respective Themes
3. Teacher Perceptions of Pedagogical Change
V. Discussions
VI. Conclusions


  • YunJin Kim Kyunghee University, Department of British-American Language & Culture, Instructor
  • Neil Briggs Hannam University, Talmage Liberal Art College, Professor


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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