

한국어 읽기ㆍ쓰기 교육을 위한 텍스트 장르정보 구축 및 활용 연구


Research on establishing and utilizing text information for education on reading and writing Korean language.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This research focused on developing text information that integrates the reading and writing part of the Korean language education, as well as, finding ways to establish materials that can be utilized in the future. To gather more information, we re-examined the lists of educational text type that were presented in previously existing researches. Also, we further emphasize the needs to establish and provide more information, based on the survey on Korean education, where experienced Korean language instructors responded strongly to needing more educational information. To provide the outline that is required in the program that uses informational technology, we used the method that combined both inductive and deductive viewpoints, taking the previous genre information theory and the result of Corpus analysis into consideration. We inputted an “editorial” genre to supply examples to the information outline that was provided by the research. Using Korean educational standpoint to evaluate the previous research outcomes on Korean language text, and to restructure and make utilization plans, puts significance on this research.


 1. 들어가며
 2. 선행연구 검토
  2.1. 읽기 교육 분야의 연구
  2.2. 쓰기 교육 분야의 연구
 3. 한국어 문어 교육 텍스트 유형 및 장르 선정
  3.1. 기존 연구의 교육용 텍스트 목록
  3.2. 정보 구축을 위한 텍스트 목록 선정
 4. 텍스트 정보 구축의 목적과 방법
  4.1. 텍스트 정보화의 목적
  4.2. 장르 정보 기술의 틀
  4.3. 장르 정보 기술의 예
 5. 결론


  • 이승연 서울시립대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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