

'다중지능 학교'로의 변화과정에 대한 질적 사례연구 : 학교교육개혁에 주는 시사점


A Qualitative Case Study of the Multiple Intelligences School : Focused on Schooling Reform


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to understand school education based on the MI(Multiple Intelligences: MI) theory, one of the outstanding theories in school reforms. The study was focused on the changes in schools since MI theory had been applied. Five schools that have applied the MI theory into classroom more than three years were selected for the study. The main research methodology in this study was in-depth interviews with practitioners in those five schools based on a qualitative case study. After all, those characteristics in those schools provided critical strategies for optimizing MI schools. Also it should be considered that the strategies could be varied based on the school setting and its contexts. Based on the results above, there needed some tasks for building optimal MI schools in Korean context. Most of all, practitioners should fully understand the MI theory and cooperate with other co-workers to develop their curriculum leadership. It was also suggested to integrate a variety of opinions of many practitioners and parents. It could be a stepping stone to find out the limitations of implementing the MI theory and to discover the solutions to complement them. In conclusion, searching for the meaning of the MI theory was imperative for adapting the theory into Korean school reform. Also, for the fully development of the theory, it was required to understand the efforts of the practitioners who have attempted to apply the theory into classroom for 10 years. At the same time, it was necessary to consider both the positive perspectives and the limitations of the theory in Korean context for optimizing the theory into practice.


인간의 지적 능력에 대한 확장된 이해를 통해 학교개혁에 대한 강력한 추진력을 발휘해 온 '다중지능 이론(multiple intelligences theory)'은 지난 10여년 동안 한국 학교교육에 영향 을 미쳤다는 판단 하에 다섯 곳의 대표적인 학교의 다중지능 학교로의 전환과정을 파악하는 데 연구의 초점을 맞추었다.다섯 학교는 학교의 문화,인적 자원,학교 분위기,그리고 물리 적 환경 등의 다양한 변인들의 차이만큼 다양한 수준과 변화과정을 통해 MI 학교로의 변화를 시도했다.다양한 자료수집과 핵심적인 활동을 해온 실천가들의 목소리를 통해본 한국의 MI 학교는 미래지향적인 다중지능 학교 즉,다중지능 이론이 우리나라 교실개혁에 큰 영향력을 발휘하기 위해서는 현장 실천가들의 영향력을 인정하는 문화 속에서 그들의 전문성과 능력을 충분히 발휘할 수 있는 제반 여건을 마련하는 것이 시급하다.


I. 서 론
 II. 연구방법 : 질적사례연구
  1. 연구 설계 : 연구대상 및 참여자
  2. 자료 수집 및 분석
 III. 첫 번째 이야기 : 다중지능 학교로의 전환 과정
 IV. 두 번째 이야기 : MI 학교로서의 의미
 V. 미래 지향적인 다중지능 학교가 되는 길 : 학교교육 개혁에 주는 시사점


  • 차경희 Kyung- hee Cha. 한양대학교 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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