

실과교과 '환경을 살리는 나의 생활' 단원의 CD-ROM 타이틀 개발


The CD-ROM Title Development of 'My Life for Environment' Unit in Practical Arts Subject

방기혁, 표준영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The objectives of the study were to analyze the contents of environment, to develop the CD-ROM title of 'my life for environment' unit in practical arts subject.
This study was reviewed through review of literature and practical arts education material etc, developed the CD-ROM title using H/W and S/W of computer.
It was consisted of 'life resources and environment', 'making of reused goods', 'learning arrangement', 'evaluation', 'reference and related sites' domains. The first domain contained 'motivational induction', 'conception of life resources', 'kind of life resources', 'actual use conditions of life resources', 'use methods of life resources', 'related materials'. And the second domain contained 'motivational induction', 'conception of reuse', 'process of reuse', 'methods of reuse', 'making of reused goods', 'related materials'.


I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경
  1. 환경교육의 개념 및 의의
  2. 실과 교과의 환경관련 내용 분석
  3. 실과 교과 환경 관련 단원의 CD-ROM 타이틀 개발 현황 및 효과
 III. 실과 교과 '환경을 살리는 나의 생활'단원의 CD-ROM 타이틀 개발
  1. 기본 방향
  2. 컴퓨터 환경
  3. 학습 내용의 순서도
  4. 개발된 CD-ROM 타이틀의 구성
 IV. 결론


  • 방기혁 Bang, Gi-hyeog. 광주교육대학교
  • 표준영 Pyo, Jun-young. 광주산월초등학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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