

단기기억과 영어교육


The short-term memory and English learning


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examines a natural lecture text recorded from an ESL class to see how the short-term memory works to process linguistic information in natural utterances. The examinations show that linguistic information is processed based on thought groups and that all the sentences consist of no more than 5 units of thought group. Over 90% of the sentences appeared to be 3 or less units. The results of the study suggest that English teaching should consider how the short-term memory works, especially how it processes linguistic information in terms of thought group. In addition, teaching vocabulary for vocabulary to students lacking oral skill is not effective and even can be dangerous to them because it tends to pull them down from the sentence to word level. A student whose processes of linguistic information remains on the word level can hardly expect to be fluent, however many vocabulary items they memorize.


I. 서론
 II. 인간의 기억(Human Memory)
  1. 감각기억
  2. 단기기억
  3. 장기기억
 III. 녹취 텍스트 분석
  1. 가설
  2. 분석 테스트
  3. 분석방법
  4. 분석결과
 IV. 영어학습에 있어서의 단기기억
  1. 단어와 단위
  2. 장기기억
  3. 연습과 훈련
  4. 패턴 및 대치훈련
 V. 결론


  • 손중선 Sohn, Joong-Sun. 대구교대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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