

Strategic Reading Process in Two On-line and Printed Environments


Susan Marandi, Shabnam Mokhtarnia

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is an attempt to investigate whether significant differences exist between metacognitive awareness and perceived use of hypertext and printed text reading strategies of Iranian EFL learners. Twenty two Iranian EFL learners completed two questionnaires regarding metacognitive awareness of printed text and hypertext reading strategy use. The results revealed that there is a significant difference for overall reading strategies in general and problem solving and support strategies in particular. However, no significant difference was found for metacognitive awareness of global reading strategies in both mediums of on-line and print. These findings are, in fact, in line with the opinion of those scholars who believe that the process of reading in print and hypertext environment may differ from each other (Gillingham, 1993; Kamil and Chou, 2005; Konishi, 2003). They also highlight the importance of strategy awareness and training component when classroom teachers engage their learners in on-line reading tasks.


  Aims of the Present Study
  Preparing the Instruments
  Administrating the Instruments


  • Susan Marandi Al-Zahra University, Iran
  • Shabnam Mokhtarnia Azad University of Karaj, Iran


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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