The quality characteristics and effects on the proliferation of human hepatoma HepG2 cells due to dropwort (Oenanthe javanica) extracts naturally fermented with fructooligosaccharides were investigated. Dropwort was fermented by steeping with the same weight of oligosaccaride at room temperature for 1 year, and then stored at 4oC for 1 or 2 more years. During the fermentation periods, total flavonoid content, Hunter’s color (a value), and viable cell counts decreased, but reducing sugars including glucose and fructose increased. HepG2 cell proliferation was inhibited significantly by the three extracts, but no effects were observed on Chang cells. In particular, the dropwort extract fermented for 1 year showed the highest inhibitory effect. These results demonstrate that the quality characteristics and anti-proliferative effects of dropwort were affected by fermentation period. It is concluded that dropwort extract fermented for 1 year showed the highest functional properties and quality.
재료 및 방법
실험 재료
미나리 발효 추출액 조제
유효 발효 균주 동정
pH, 산도 및 당도 측정
생균수 측정
색도 측정
환원당 측정
유리 당 함량 측정
플라보노이드 함량 측정
세포주 배양
세포 성장 억제율 측정
HepG2 세포의 형태 변화 관찰
결과 및 고찰
유효 발효 균주 동정
pH, 산도 및 당도 측정
생균수 측정
색도 측정
환원당 측정
유리당 함량 측정
플라보노이드 함량 측정
미나리 발효농축액의 간암세포 성장 억제 효과
HepG2 세포의 형태 변화 관찰