

특수학교 교육과정 변천에 따른 교육목표의 특성 분석


Characteristic Analysis of Educational Objectives by the Change of Special School Curriculum

김지영, 권요한

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This essay aims the examination of change tendency by the comparison and analysis of the statement system of the educational objectives and its components for the special school curriculum in South Korea revised periodically and suggests the further tasks for the development of the educational process based on the such analysis.
To achieve the research aim, it is discussed that first1y, change tendency of the statement system of educational objectives, secondly, change tendency of the classification system of educational objectives, thirdly, change tendency of statement method of educational objectives, fourthly, change tendency of content elements of educational objectives and finally, change tendency of behavior elements of educational objectives.
The analysis target for this research is the general educational objectives suggested from the primary educational curriculum for the special school to 2008 revision educational curriculum announced by Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development and it is compared and analyzed by five analysis criteria such as statement system, classification system, content elements, behavior elements and statement method. The research is concluded as follows:
First1y, the statement system of educational objectives is suggested by the item style statement system and the item style along with the description style presenting overall objectives. The item style statement system is used in the second, third, sixth educational curriculum and the statement system using the item style with the description style is for the first, fourth, fifth, seventh and 2008 revision educational curriculum. It can be shown that the objectives is presented detail and concretely as the fonn of objectives suggestion by items.
Secondly, the c1assification system of educational objectives is suggested by the division between general objectives, objectives for each schooI(c1ass) and objectives for each disabled area, objectives for each schooI(c1ass), but it changed in 2008 revision educational curriculum to the suggestion of the objectives for each schooI(c1ass) without the division of the disabled area. It can be the premise that all students educated in the school are different only in the level and degree.
Thirdly, the change of statement method in the educational curriculum by period evenly includes Tyler’s content and behavior elements and Gagne’s actions, objects, ideas, tools, (Iearned) skills approach. Therefore educational objectives in each period is clarified by task analysis and learning ability is very convenient when actual instructional objectives is chosen. Statement method is wholly used in the period of educational curriculum without the limitation of certain scholar’ s statement method.
Fourthly, change tendency of content elements of educational objectives represents the curriculum based on the experience to ref1ect educational objectives in each period well in the first, second, sixth, seventh and 2008 revision educational curriculum, the curriculum based on study in the third educational curriculum and the curriculum based on human in the fourth and fifth educational curriculum. The content of educational objectives in each version of educational curriculum ref1ects what they highlight well, and inc1udes the elements based on subjects, experience, study and human.
Fifthly, the behavior elements of educational objectives show the trend that the definition area has generally higher percentage of the behavior elements in each education curriculum period, and that definition area had high percentage in the third, forth and fifth educational curriculum. It can be interpreted that characteristic of situations at that time is appeared well.


본 연구는 우리나라 특수학교 교육과정 개정 시기별 교육목표의 진술체제와 구성 요소를 분석·비교함으로써 그 변화 경향성을 밝히는데 목적이 있다. 이 연구의 분석대상은 특수학교 제1차 교육과정부터 2008개정 교육과정까지의 교육인적자원부가 고시한 특수학교 교육과정에 제시된 총론의 교육목표였으며, 진술체제 분류체제, 내용요소 행동요소, 진술방법의 다섯 가지 분석준거를 토대로 분석·비교 하였다. 연구의 결과로부터 얻은 결론은 다음과 같다.
첫째, 교육목표의 진술체제는 항목식 진술체제와 종합적인 목표를 제시한 서술식과 항목식 진술을 함께하는 체제로 제시되어 있다. 둘째, 교육목표의 분류체제는 학교(급)별 목표와 일반 목표를 제시하는 방식과 장애영역별 목표와 학교(급)별 목표를 나누어 제시하는 방식에서 2008 개정 교육과정에서는 장애영역별로 구분하지 않은 학교(급)별 목표를 제시한 체제로 변화하였다.
셋째, 교육과정 시기별 진술방식의 변화는 Tyler의 내용+행동요소와 Gagne 의 행동, 대상, 사상, 도구, 능력(학습되어진)의 방식을 골고루 포함하고 있다. 넷째, 교육목표의 내용요소의 변화 경향성을 보면, 제 1 차, 제 2 차, 저 16 차, 제 7 차, 2008개정 교육과정의 교육목표는 경험중심 교육과정, 저 13 차 교육과정은 학문중심 교육과정, 제 4 차 저 15 차 교육과정은 인간중심 교육과정을 나타내고 있다. 다섯째, 교육목표의 행동요소의 변화 경향성을 보면, 행동요소의 교육과정 시기별 비율은 대체로 정의적 영역이 차지하는 비율이 높은 경향을 보였고, 3 차, 4 차, 5 차 교육과정에서 정의적 영역의 비율이 높은 경향을 보이고 있다.


 I. 서론
 II. 연구방법
  1. 연구의 대상
  2. 분석의 내용
  3. 분석의 준거
  4. 분석방법
 III. 결과
  1 . 교육목표의 진술체제의 변화경향성
  2. 교육목표의 분류체제의 변화 경향성
  3. 교육목표의 진술 방식의 변화 경향성
  4. 교육목표의 내용 요소의 변화 경향성
  5. 교육목표의 행동요소의 변화 경향성
 IV. 논의


  • 김지영 Kim, ji-young. 곤양고등학교 교사
  • 권요한 kwon, yo-han. 창원대학교 특수교육과 교수


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