

멀티미디어 어학실에서의 대학 통역교육


Undergraduate level interpreter training using a multi-media language laboratory

정혜진, 이태형

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Since the establishment of the first graduate school specializing in interpretation and translation in 1979, some twelve graduate schools are now educating would-be interpreters and translators in Korea. This article examines the problem of the too many educational institutes and suggests undergraduate level interpreter training as an alternative. When undergraduate students receive consecutive interpretation training while studying their own major other than interpretation, they might possibly work as a temporary interpreter when necessary. In this context, multi-media language laboratories have been found to be effective tools to teach interpreting to large classes. Listening comprehension training was carried out in the lab using sound editing software which transmits part of the digital sound wave to the students' computers. Cloze testing was also possible as students wrote their answers on their own computer monitors while professor quickly checked students' monitors through the network system. Sight translation was done by scrolling down parts of sentences on the students' monitors while they did sight translation wearing their headsets which were being monitored by the professor. For consecutive interpretation, original speech was played back while students took notes before recording their interpreted version on their own computer.


  • 정혜진 Chung, Hyejin
  • 이태형 Lee, Taehyung


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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