The Effect of Casino Service to Customers' Satisfaction and Loyalty -Focus on Jeju Island Foreigner Exclusive Casino
This research focuses on the followings. ⅰ)The research considers whether there is a relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. ⅱ) The research focuses on providing a positive data to establish marketing strategy for Jeju Island's casino industry through the considerations of Jeju Island casino users' service quality recognitions. To achieve the research objective, the survey was executed targeting foreign tourists whom uses casino in Jeju Island (sample size : 125 Japanese , 107 Chinese) and, using SPSS 12.0, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis and regression analysis was executed. The result of the analysis shows established thesises were proven to be true that there is a positive relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Also, the conclusion includes the limitations of the research and proposes the way of improve the service quality of casino industry.
I. 서론
II. 이론적 고찰
1. 카지노 서비스품질
2. 서비스품질, 고객만족, 고객충성도 관계에 관한 고찰
III. 연구 설계
1. 변수의 구성 및 측정방법
2. 표본의 선정 및 자료수집
3. 자료의 분석
IV. 실증분석 결과 및 고찰
1. 표본의 인구통계학적 특성 및 개요
2. 큭정변수의 신뢰성과 타당성 분석
3. 가설의 검증
V. 결론