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결과 내 검색
Elastic band resistance combined with modified Thai yoga exercise to alleviate oxidative stress and airway inflammation in type 2 diabetes mellitus SCOPUS KCI 등재
Tichanon Promsrisuk, Ratchaniporn Kongsui, Napatr Sriraksa, Orachorn Boonla, Arunrat Srithawong
한국운동재활학회 JER Vol.19 No.2 2023.04 pp.114-125
※ 기관로그인 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다.
Oxidative stress associated with impaired autonomic control and severity of lung function in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients SCOPUS KCI 등재
Tichanon Promsrisuk, Orachorn Boonla, Ratchaniporn Kongsui, Napatr Sriraksa, Sitthisak Thongrong, Arunrat Srithawong
한국운동재활학회 JER Vol.19 No.1 2023.02 pp.75-84
The optimal cutoff score of the 2-min step test and its association with physical fitness in type 2 diabetes mellitus SCOPUS KCI 등재
Arunrat Srithawong, Puttipong Poncumhak, Pacharee Manoy, Sirintip Kumfu, Tichanon Promsrisuk, Piyapong Prasertsri, Orachorn Boonla
한국운동재활학회 JER Vol.18 No.3 2022.06 pp.214-221
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