Self-Supervised Training Method of Vehicle Detection CNN Models
한국차세대컴퓨팅학회 한국차세대컴퓨팅학회 학술대회 The 8th International Conference on Next Generation Computing 2022 2022.10 pp.76-79
Enhanced Pseudo Labeling Based on Bidirectional Object Tracker for Training Object Detection CNNs
한국차세대컴퓨팅학회 한국차세대컴퓨팅학회 학술대회 The 8th International Conference on Next Generation Computing 2022 2022.10 pp.259-260
Fast Pedestrian Action Classification Based on Multi-head CNN
한국차세대컴퓨팅학회 한국차세대컴퓨팅학회 학술대회 The 8th International Conference on Next Generation Computing 2022 2022.10 pp.49-51
GAN based Data Augmentation with vehicle color change for training vehicle detection CNN
한국차세대컴퓨팅학회 한국차세대컴퓨팅학회 학술대회 The 8th International Conference on Next Generation Computing 2022 2022.10 pp.261-262
A Novel Center of Mass Method to Measure Fluid Velocity with MRI
한국생물공학회 한국생물공학회 학술대회 2010 추계학술대회 및 국제심포지움 2010.10 p.265
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