MAC Frame Aggregation이 가능한 에드혹 네트워크에서의 Congestion Window Limit을 통한 TCP 성능의 최적화
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CPS 가상화 플랫폼의 상호운용성을 위한 OPC UA Aggregation 서버 구현
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The Effectiveness of Aggregation Method to Improve the Quality of Transgenic Cloned Bovine Embryo
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Production and characterization of platelet aggregation inhibitor from Inonotus obliquus
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A New LEACH Algorithm for the Data Aggregation to Improve the Energy Efficiency in WSN
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Establishment of Porcine Embryonic Stem Cells by Aggregation of Parthenogenetic Embryos
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The Improvement of Clone Embryo Production Applied with Aggregation Method in Bovine
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