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- 동중앙아시아경상학회 East and Central Asia Economic and Business Association
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- KDC 320 DDC 330
2017 Spring The 58th Interantional Conference (25건)
SessionⅠ: Chair (Soonhong Kim, Incheon National Uni.)
Evaluating the Operational Performance of Top 12 Busiest Chinese Airports
동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.3-11
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SessionⅠ: Chair (Soonhong Kim, Incheon National Uni.)
LMX, 심리적 안정감, 발언행동 간 관계에 대한 연구
동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.13-21
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지연행동, 심리적 자본, 시간관리가 업무성과에 미치는 비선형 효과
동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.23-34
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동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.35-43
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SessionⅡ : Chair (Heeyoung Hur, Korea Aerospace Uni.)
동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.47-54
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A Study on the Patent Analysis for Effective Technology Forecasting
동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.55-58
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동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.59-64
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동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.65-70
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Session Ⅲ : Chair (Jaeseb Choi, Namseoul Uni.)
"Clustering versus Diversity : an Alternative Measure."
동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.73-99
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ADAKR Model of Change Management : A Case Study of K-Electric Limited
동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.101-115
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Business Aviation in Asia : Luxury or Necessity? - Public Perception vs. Reality
동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.117-125
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Analysis of bilateral Trade Between South Korea and India
동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.127-136
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Session Ⅳ : Chair (Sanghyun Han, Namseoul Uni.)
An Exploratory Study on Consumer Flow Channel Model of Strategic Advertising Cues
동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.139-152
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Enlightenment of Internet Thinking on Traditional Industry
동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.153-169
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Re-evaluation of Consumer Brand Equity Effect Using Text mining Technique: Research Proposal
동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.171-180
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Ethical Sales Behavior : Actecedents and Outcomes
동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.181-186
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SessionⅤ: Chair (Kyunggu Lee, Dongeui Uni.)
동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.189-198
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The Mongolian Conceputalization of the “Heart” and its Cultural Context
동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.199-207
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한국 거주 몽골인 현황, 애로 사항, 문제점, 해결 방안
동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.209-214
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What Explains the Preference for Foreign Products among Consumers in an Emerging Market of China?
동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.215-219
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Session Ⅵ : Chair (Kieun Lee, Daegu Uni.)
지향성, 지식활동 및 지식활동성과 간의 관계 : 인지된 조직문화의 조절효과
동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.223-240
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동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.241-248
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Judgments and Attitudes as Facebook Preannouncing Message Directionality and Temporal Distance
동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.249-257
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O2O 기반 모바일 여행상품 앱 특성이 앱 매력도와 구매행동에 미치는 영향
동중앙아시아경상학회 동중아시아경상학회 학술대회 he Economic Cooperation and Exchange, Employment, Start-up in Mongolia, East and Central Asia 2017.05 pp.259-270
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