

조선시대 호서지역 묘제 일고찰


Consideration of Hoseo(Chungnam and Chungbuk) Region Burial Types from the Joseon Period

이종수, 이경복, 김한상, 이호경, 최영미

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the Joseon period, the Hoseo(Chungnam and Chungbuk) region was the center of the Giho school and the development of 'Yehak'(courtesy scriptures theory). Changes in the myoje(grave-site rites) of the Hoseo region, therefore, seem to be closely related to the spread of Yehak. The number of graves currently identified for the Joseon period in the Hoseo region is 64-36 for the Chungnam region and 28 for the Chungbuk region. This study aims to conduct a formalist analysis of the present data, identifying the chronology and regionality of Joseon period graves in the Hoseo region, which was the center of Yehak since the 16th century. The archaeological evidence is also considered in association with relevant texts from the Yehak books. Most of the Yehak books from the Joseon period are versions of Jujagarye(Chu Hsi's Family Rituals) which have been revised to fit the realities of Joseon life. Comprising texts such as Gukjo oryeui(Five Rituals of the Yi Dynasty), Garye jimnam(Exposition of Family Rites), Uirye munhae(Explanations on Doubtful Points in Ritual), Sangrye biyo (Essentials of Funeral Rites) and Sarye pyeollam(Convenient Reference to the Four Rites), the Yehak books were published and spread amongst the royal family, yangban(aristocrats) and sadaebu(literati). These Yehak books discuss matters such as the use of lime as opposed to stone, the lining of the grave with charcoal, whether to use soemok, whether pyeonbang exists, and how to arrange jiseok(memorial stones), all of which can be archaeologically observed. 'Hoegwag-myo'(lime soil mixture tomb) and 'togwang-myo'(earthen tomb) are grave types which represent the burial style of the Hoseo region in the Joseon period. These graves are classified into two types - Type I(hoegwag-myo) and Type II(togwang-myo) - according to the use of lime, and further subdivided according to detailed characteristics. The results of the analysis indicate that the different grave types are clearly associated with social stratification and region. In terms of social stratification, it appears that the IA style was used by the royal family and yangban sadaebu class, while styles IB1, IB2 and IIA1 were used by the yangban sadaebu and the wealthy yangban class. The IIA1b style was used by the general yangban class and the wealthy non-yangban class, while styles IIA2, IIB1 and IIB2 appear to have been used by the general, non-yangban class. Regarding regional variation, the IA and IB1 styles, which faithfully observe garye (family rituals), are located near major towns(eub) such as Gongju-mok and Hongju-mok, while the IIA1a style, in which pyeonbang(lounge) was identified but did not use lime, is found near Cheongju-mok and traffic routes. It can be presumed that Yehak books were spread along traffic routes and around major towns such as Gongju-mok, Hongju-mok and Cheongju-mok. Finally, the higher rate of Type 1 graves identified in the Asan area may be explained by the fact that lime production in the Hoseo region was limited to this area.


조선시대 호서지역의 분묘 양식을 대표하는 묘제로는 회곽묘와 토광묘를 들 수 있다. 묘제에 대한 형식분류는 灰의 사용여부에 따라 크게 회곽묘(Ⅰ類)와 토광묘(Ⅱ類)로 분류하고 다시 굴광방식 등의 특징에 따라 세분할 수 있다. 주요유적에 대한 형식별 분석을 시도해 본 결과, 분묘에서 계층성과 지역성이 나타나고 있는 것을 확인할 수 있다. 계층적인 특징은 ⅠA式의 경우 왕실의 고관이나 종친 및 이와 관련된 양반계층이 사용자이며, ⅠB1․ⅠB2式․ⅡA1a式은 경제력을 갖춘 양반계층을 사용자로 추정할 수 있다. ⅡA1b式은 양반계층 및 경제력을 갖춘 일반 민이며, ⅡA2․ⅡB1․ⅡB2式은 일반 민에 의해 사용된 것으로 추정할 수 있다. 지역적인 특징으로는 가례를 충실히 따르는 ⅠA式․ⅠB1式은 공주목과 홍주목 등 중요 읍치 인근에 위치해 있고, 석회를 사용하고 있지 않지만, 감실이 확인되는 ⅡA1a式이 청주목 인근에 위치하고 있는 특징을 보인다. 예외적으로 아산지역은 호서지역에서 유일하게 석회가 생산되는 특징 때문에 Ⅰ式의 분묘의 비율이 다른 지역보다 높게 확인되지만, 이러한 현상은 지방관청에서 주도적으로 유교식 장례문화를 보급하였기 때문으로 판단된다.


 Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 기존의 연구성과
 Ⅲ. 예학서의 고고학적 요소
  1. 호서지역에 보급된 예학서
  2. 예학서 속의 고고학적 요소
 Ⅳ. 조선시대 호서지역 분묘의 형식분류 및 검토
  1. 형식분류
  2. 형식분류에 따른 개개유적의 검토
 Ⅴ. 분묘상에 나타난 계층성과 지역성
  1. 계층적 특징
  2. 지역적 특징
 Ⅵ. 맺음말


  • 이종수 Jong-su Lee. 충청남도역사문화연구원 책임연구원(Chungnam institute of history and culture)
  • 이경복 Kyeong-bok Lee. 충청남도역사문화연구원 선임연구원(Chungnam institute of history and culture)
  • 김한상 Han-sang Kim. 충청남도역사문화연구원(Chungnam institute of history and culture)
  • 이호경 Ho-kyoung Lee. 충청남도역사문화연구원(Chungnam institute of history and culture)
  • 최영미 Young-mi Choi. 충청남도역사문화연구원 연구원(Chungnam institute of history and culture)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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