Comparison of Vitamin and Mineral Content in Bokbunja(Rubus coreanus Miq.) Wines With and Without Mushroom Extracts
The dried fruit of the Rubus coreanus Miq., which is well-known in Korea and referred to as
"Bokbunja", has been employed as a traditional medicine for centuries. Bokbunja berry contains
carbohydrates, protein, fats and dietary fibers as major components and various flavonoids such as tannins, volatile components including organic acids, alcohols and hydrocarbons as minor ones. Those active compounds attribute to the following health effects: increase in immune function and antioxidant activity, rise in hormone secretion, suppression of the growth of type B hepatitis virus, and control of weight gain. To utilize the above activities, many products have been developed by using Bokbunja berry extracts in the area of foods, liquors, and cosmetics.
In this study, the content of Bokbunja wines (one without mushroom extracts and the other is with
the extracts) has been investigated to improve the quality of Bokbunja wine.