

The Effect of e-scape on Internet Shopper's Cogniti.on, Emotion, and Behavior Responses



By investigating Internet shopping malls from a viewpoint ofenvironmental psychology, this study tries to expand the subject of servicescape into the Internet rather than to confine it to physical space. This study empirically validates the effect of e-servicescape (hereinafter e-scape) on customers' cognitive and emotional responses which subsequently can lead to customers' behaviors. An analysis of 490 questionnaires found that e-scape influences the emotional and cognitive responses, ultimately triggering customers' behaviors. We also found that the effects of e-scape on customers' behavior may be mediated by customers' internal responses. Based on the analysis result, servicescape management is important on the Internet just as it is in physical space. Concepts such as e-scape management can be one of the effective strategies to make an Internet shopping mall distinguishable from other Internet shopping malls.


  • Kim, Sang-Hee College of Business Administration, Chonnam National University
  • Koh, Joon College of Business Administration, Chonnam National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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