

인삼성분의 추출에 관한 연구 ; 제1보 인삼의 지역별 및 가공중 Saponin 구성성분의 변화


Studies on the Extraction of Korean Ginseng Component -Part 1. Differences of Saponins in Korean Ginseng by Cultivation Area and Processing-

유주현, 김해중, 변유량, 남성희

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The patterns of saponins of lateral gingengs cultivated different areas and various ginseng products were investigated by quantitative thin-layer chromatography. In the case of ginseng cultivated in the Kum San and Gang Hwa area, some parts of the panaxatriol series of the saponins (peak 6 and 7.8.9) were higher in concentration than in ginseng grown in other areas while the other ingredients were almost the same. In the process of heat treatment the quantity of peak 2 was generally decreased. However, in the case of red and white ginseng, one part of the panaxatriol saponins, peak 6 was increased. This tendency was also found in honeyed ginseng and ginseng tea which were not exposed to sunlight, but the increase was much less. The change in the red and white ginseng which were exposed to sunlight was very substantial. Therefore we can assume that the increase of peak 6 comes about due to the combination of heat treatment and exposure to sunlight, especially due to exposure to sunlight.


  • 유주현 Ju Hyun Yu. 연세대학교식품공학과
  • 김해중 Hai Jung Kim. 주식회사일화연구실
  • 변유량 Yu Ryang Pyun. 연세대학교식품공학과
  • 남성희 Sung Hi Nam. 주식회사일화연구실


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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