

Extension Properties of Frozen Hard Wheat Flour Doughs Mixed with Ascorbic Acid and Gluten Hydrolysate


Koh, Bong-Kyung

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The textural properties of doughs mixed with L-ascorbic acid (AA), trypsin hydrolyzed gluten peptide (THGP), and a mixture of AA-THGP were investigated using texture analyzer under the fermentation of the full formula and the freezing process. The full formula dough (FFD) required a shorter mixing time than the flour and water formula dough (FWD). The maximum resistance (Rmax) values of both the unfrozen and frozen doughs were lower for the FFD. The effects of AA and THGP additions were not significant (p<0.01) in FFD, however, they were significant in FWD. The freezing effect was significant (p<0.0001) for FFD, indicating that yeast fermented dough was much more sensitive to damage from freezing, which subsequently affected dough strength. Additions of AA (p=0.0026) and THGP (p=0.0097) had a significant effect on the extensibility (E-value) of unfrozen FWD, where THGP increased and AA decreased the E-value. However, freezing did not significantly effect the extensibilities of FWD (p=0.64) or FFD (p=0.21). The area of FFD was lower than the area of FWD for both the unfrozen and frozen doughs. However, the frozen dough mixed with THGP alone had the largest area overall. The addition of additives did not result in significantly different (p<0.01) areas under the curve, except in the frozen FFD. Freezing caused a statistically significant difference in the area of FWD (p=0.0045).


 Materials and Methods
 Results and Discussion


  • Koh, Bong-Kyung Department of Food and Nutrition, Keimyung University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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