

근무일지 쓰기 훈련이 우울증 환자의 우울감과 직무 수행도에 미치는 영향


Effect of Daily Work Log Along with Cognitive Therapy on WorkPerformance in a Patient with Depression

염희영, 정보인

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to investigate whether training of writing a daily work log using cognitive therapy approach can help increase work performance in a patient with depression using a single subject experimental reversal design (ABA).
Method : The patient is a 19-year male youth with a diagnosis of depression of which onset was
2 years. While being on a work-aid program for individuals with various disabilities, he has shown
helplessness, inferiority with his appearance, insomnia, and suicidal impulse besides depression. His supervisor reports that he often fails to complete his own work, makes errors and mistakes, and
cuts his work hours. His training of writing a daily work log consisted of the following steps; (a) analyzing and writing about the circumstances, his behaviors, thoughts, and feelings at the happiest and unhappiest work or time on a daily basis; (b) analyzing and writing his plans about how to improve his unhappy feelings or circumstances, implement them accordingly, and the results post implementation of these plans; (c) reviewing his daily work log and discussing about it with the main investigator daily; and (d) writing 3 times and reading aloud 2 times his resolutions regarding the unpleasant circumstances, methods to improve the circumstances or feelings, and the expected positive results from his resolutions. This training was conducted for 5 days.
Results : The results were: on self-reporting depression scale, a mean of 80% in the baseline
and 68% in the training; on self-reporting on the patient’s work performance satisfaction, a mean of 68% in the baseline, and 88% in the training; the supervisor’s reporting of the patient on the Work Personality Profile, a mean of 58% in the baseline and 70% in the training; and on the self-reporting on the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale, 215 out of 280 full points in the baseline and 164 in the training.
Conclusions : The results indicate that the use of writing a daily log using cognitive approach helps improve not only depression state but also work performance in a patient with depression.


Ⅰ. 서 론
 Ⅱ. 연구방법
  1. 연구대상
  2. 연구설계
  3. 실험도구
  4. 근무일지 쓰기 훈련 과정
  5. 분석방법
 Ⅲ. 연구결과
  1. 우울감의 변화
  2. 직무 수행도의 변화
  3. 훈련 전ㆍ후의 부정적 사고의 변화
 Ⅳ. 고 찰
 Ⅴ. 결 론


  • 염희영 Yeum, Hee-Young. 한국장애인고용촉진공단 고용개발원, 교신저자
  • 정보인 Chung, Bo-In. 연세대학교 보건과학대학 작업치료학과 및 보건과학연구소


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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