

Extension of Shelf Life of Kimchi by Addition of Encapsulated Mustard Oil




In this study, we have attempted to characterize the effects of encapsulated mustard oil with regard to the extension of the shelf life of kimchi. The quantity of mustard oil or encapsulated mustard oil added to the brined cabbage in this study was 0.05%(w/w). Overall, the fermentation processes in the encapsulated mustard oil-added kimchi (EMO) and mustard oil-added kimchi (MO) occurred at a slower rate than in the controls. The periods during which the MO and EMO kimchi samples were edible were prolonged for more than two weeks, according to measurements of pH, total acidity, and microbial changes. The overall acceptability of EMO was superior to MO throughout the entirety of the fermentation period. Sensory evaluation verified that EMO yielded a more favorable product than the MO and control varieties. Encapsulated mustard oil can be employed as a natural food additive to prolong the shelf life of kimchi, via an induced delay of the fermentation process.


 Materials and Methods
 Results and Discussion


  • Kim, Mi-Jeong Department of Food Science and Nutrition/Kimchi Research Institute, Pusan National University
  • Ha, Jee-Yun Department of Food Science and Nutrition/Kimchi Research Institute, Pusan National University
  • Yun, Ye-Rang Department of Food Science and Nutrition/Kimchi Research Institute, Pusan National University
  • Noh, Jeong-Sook Department of Food Science and Nutrition/Kimchi Research Institute, Pusan National University
  • Song, Yeong-Bok Sejeon Research Institute of Food Science and Technology
  • Song, Yeong-Ok Department of Food Science and Nutrition/Kimchi Research Institute, Pusan National University


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