

Quality Characteristics of Sponge Cake Supplemented with Soy Protein Concentrate


Sung, Myung-Ju, Park, Young-Seo, Chang, Hak-Gil

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The quality parameters of sponge cake supplemented with soy protein concentrate (SPC) were evaluated. The addition of SPC to wheat flour increased the protein content and alkaline water retention value, but decreased the sedimentation value. Protein content had a positive correlation with the alkaline water retention value, and a negative correlation with the sedintentation value. The higher the concentration of SPC, the higher the RVA pasting temperature and the lower the viscosity. Increasing the level of SPC in flour led to a decrease in mixogram peak time, whereas peak height, width at peak, and width at 8 min progressively increased. As the amount of SPC increased in the formulation, the pH and specific gravity of cake batter increased, whereas the volume and specific volume of sponge cake decreased. The total isoflavones content in SPC increased after heat treatment. The hardness, gumminess, and chewiness increased progressively in accordance with increasing level of SPC.


 Materials and Methods
 Results and Discussion


  • Sung, Myung-Ju Paris Croissant Co., Ltd.
  • Park, Young-Seo Division of Biotechnology, Kyungwon University
  • Chang, Hak-Gil Division of Biotechnology, Kyungwon University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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