Ever since the “cultural turn” in Translation Studies it has been commonplace to state that translation is an act of cultural mediation and Translation Studies have been emphasis on cultural history and the role and function of translation in the broader socio-cultural context. Culture-bound terms refer to “concepts, institution and proper names, food items, place names and objects”. and the translation of culture- bound terms to be one of the most challenging tasks to be performed by a translators. Also the translation problem arises because of culutre-specific elements. Thus, it is very important to find the most appropriate methods to translate such terms.In the intercultural communication, the translator is like the traveller who becomes a cultural mediator who connect between cultures. Also translator should be not just bilingual but bicultural in order to fully understand the source text and to be able to transmit it to the target audience.This paper aims at analyzing culture-bound terms in “KOREANA”: A quaterly on Korean art & Culture issued from 2005 until spring, 2008 to see the translation methods which were taken by translators to narrow the gap between different cultures.The result of the analysis showed that the translators prefered to the ‘minimum’ change method and ‘foreignizing’ methods in translating culture-bound terms to preserve the richness of the source language text for the target language audience.
I. 서론
II. 선행연구
2.1 번역학 연구에 있어 '문화적인 전환'(Culture turn)
2.2 문화 관련 어휘(Culture-bound terms)
2.3. 문화 관련 어휘 번역 방법
III. 실례 분석
1. 분석자료
2. 분석 방법
3. 분석
4. 분석 결과
IV. 결론