

방과후 학교 영어교육공동체 운영 모형 고찰 - 지역 교육청 사례를 중심으로


A Study of Community-based After-school English Program in Busan


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



After-school public English education programs at the primary-school level have been in operation in Korea since 1996. The main goals of the program are the realization of educational welfare, reduction of private education costs, and the tailoring of schools to community needs. However, several problems have been found regarding the program including the following: an insufficient period of pre-operation pilot testing, an insufficient number of competent teachers, work overload for the teachers, a low satisfaction rate among the participating students, and an unstable supporting budget. This study reviewed the Busan ‘English Education Community’ After-School Education System, which could be of use to (serve as a benchmark case for) other cities in Korea. This study seeks to help establish and support local educational network systems to invigorate the after-school education system. This study suggests that in order for an after-school education program to be most substantive and preserve its original goals, it is necessary to improve its operational system with a strong local educational bond and networking within regional after-school English educational communities.


 1. 서론
 2. 관련 연구 고찰
  2.1. 방과후학교 영어교육공동체의 의미
  2.2. 지역 기반 영어교육공동체 네트워킹의 방향
 3. 방과후학교 영어교육공동체 운영 분석: 부산시 교육청의 사례를 바탕으로
  3.1. 영어교육공동체 운영 현황
  3.2. 영어교육공동체 운영 흐름도 분석
  3.3. 부산시교육청 영어교육공동체 운영 사례 분석
 4. 결론 및 제언


  • 우길주 부산교육대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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